Finally see YOU in the role you deserve, so that the industry can see it too!
Build a Reel that leaves Casting Directors asking... "What's that from?"

In this world of virtual auditions, Has banging on Casting Directors' doors left you feeling Invisible?
Are you present and sparkling on camera, but unrepresented by your flat-ass Demo Reel?

This Power Move will light a match under your career

What's included:
A Casting Consultation and thoughtfully crafted scene to get to the Core of what makes YOU stand out.
Rehearsals and coachings with COF's team of experts.
PRODUCTION VALUE. Reel on Fire is built as a 3-day EVENT. We will have a venue with setdec, & a large, highly qualified team, including HMU.
Fast Track Post Production. Delivery within 3 months of filming.

So that I can continue to build and provide quality services, I am raising my 1-1 lesson rates to $120/hour.
Because your loyalty is important to me, I would like to invite you to continue with me at your current rate of $80/hr. However, I will be restructuring to a monthly payment system. The below information is for weekly lessons. Please inquire for biweekly information if that is what you are looking for (limited biweekly availability).
In order to secure your weekly time slot & rate:
I am asking for a 6-month commitment, with 30-days’ notice for discontinuation.
A payment package of 20 lessons will secure your weekly spot, at the rate of $80/hour. $1,499 PIF or $275/m x 6 months (including tax & S/C)
Lessons expire at the end of the 6-month period, though I will provide plenty of opportunities for make-up lessons (with 24 hours notice for cancellations)
20 lessons in 6 months leaves 6 empty weeks for cancellations, holidays, and “wiggle room.” If your 20 lessons are used up, your rate will be maintained for additional lessons. We will check in near the end of the 6 months for renewal details.

Fees Include 3rd Party Service Charges & Applicable Taxes